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Author Interview #1

Writer's picture: Nephrys DarkwaterNephrys Darkwater

What is your name?

Erudessa Gentian

Where are you from?

I grew up in New Mexico, USA, but now I live on the sub-tropical island

of Okinawa, Japan. Oki is a very popular tourist destination for the Pacific

region. We joke that it is the "Hawaii of Japan." They used to be the Ryukyu

Kingdom before Japan took them over, and they remain proud of that history.

So the cultural heritage and mix is very rich, which I love.

Tell us briefly about where you like to write.

Ooh, I might get in trouble for this, but I have a super comfortable bed, so will

often write there. But really, I like to write wherever I happen to be when the

inspiration hits. I've been known to write in coffee shops/restaurants, at the

table, on airplanes, etc. I have done more writing straight on the computer

recently, but I used to write almost everything in a notebook first.

What made you want to write books?

I first started writing as a therapeutic way to process life lessons. I started

out by putting lessons I learned into story form. I didn't plan on doing

anything with it, but....😂

How long have you been writing?

As a hobby, for over twenty years (😱)! But professionally, only a couple years.

Which genres do you write?

I go all over the place. My first published short story is Fantasy/Steampunk. But my first full length novel series is Science Fiction. But I've got other stories in the works that range from Historical Fiction to Urban to Contemporary. My blog also features posts about lifestyle, travel and interviews with people from a range of professions.

How many books have you written?

Published? I'm hoping to have my first book out this year!! I've got first and rough drafts of about five books, though...

Which book are you best known for?

Right now, Power In Time, even though it's not even published yet 😂 But since it's my first book, that's to be expected. My friends and family ask me about my progress all the time.

What's your favorite book that you’ve written? (Give us some detail of genre and plot and tell us why you chose to write it.)

Power In Time is my current favorite project. It's the first of a SciFi time travel series. It's mostly set in the future on another planet, so creating a brand new world has been both challenging and entertaining.

The original idea came from some friends and I talking about fun story ideas. We added in some superpowers and a white tiger, so how could I not run with the idea? 😂😋

Any current WIPs? Can you give the readers a snack to nibble on, so they know what to look forward to reading from you in the coming year?

Here is a little sample to whet your appetite. Also, Snowy is a white tiger cub. Just to get you a little more excited for the book's release 😋

Lark turned to her new friend and pointed at her own face. “What color are my eyes?”

“Oh, they're beautiful! I’ve been wanting to comment about them all day,” Shamira enthused. “A deep sapphire blue and dark amethyst purple. We were told you had blue and purple eyes, but not that they looked like jewels!”

“That's because they didn’t! Not two days ago! Or four thousand years ago. Whatever.”

Lark spun back to the mirror. Why this little detail threatened to overcome her, she wasn't sure. But looking at those unfamiliar eyes only reinforced how much had changed over the last two days. She might know every thought and feeling of the reflection in front of her, but she no longer knew the woman looking back at her.

“I would like to be alone,” Lark's voice was rough with emotion.

“Are you sure?" Shamira asked softly.

Lark nodded sharply, not willing to show the tears pooling in those strange, foreign eyes. And to think she had envied the jewel tone of Shamira’s emerald orbs. She heard Shamira gently close the door behind her.

Lark took one more look at the interloper in the mirror.

Three days ago, she had been wrapping up her part time job, getting ready for med school. Today, she was expected to rule and protect a kingdom she hadn't even known existed.

There was no going back to her past life. She knew that. And she really was willing to make the most of what she had. She would embrace her new life and learn her place here. But for now, just for now…

Lark curled up on the bed with Snowy, a comforting warmth against her chest, and let the tears flow.

What are your favorite things to eat and drink while writing?

Hmm...I'm not sure I have a favorite. I drink mostly water, and try not to eat around my laptop so I don't get crumbs all in the keyboard.

Have/Will you include an author photo in your books? (If so, do you get recognized in the street by your readers?)

I haven't fully decided yet, but probably. I've got to use these nice headshots for something, right?

I have not been recognized for my writing yet, but I am also a professional musician and actress that has performed across the globe. I have actually been recognized on the street before. Mostly from music.

Are you an indie author or are you with a publisher?

Indie. There are pros and cons to each, but the game is changing and the reasons I would try to go the traditional route are becoming less and less common with the big publishing houses.

If you're an indie, how have you found the world of indie authors? Have you struggled or found it easy? What barriers have you had to overcome?

Like all things, there are some who are not incredibly helpful...but for the most part, I have found the community very supportive and encouraging. It's good to try all sorts of things, just remember that not everything will work as well for you as it did for someone else.

I'm still going over the brand new author hurdle, so I'll have to let you know how that goes after the first couple of books are out.

But it was very encouraging to get my first publication under my belt. Having anything published, even just a short story, lends some credibility to your name.

Where do you find your inspiration?

All over the place. I have a very active and vivid imagination, so just about anything can become fodder for my have been warned...

When is your muse most active/when is the best time for you to write?

I seem to write best later in the day. Afternoon/evening. Sometimes even late into the night...

Do you design your own covers? If not, would you like to shout out to the one who makes them? If you make your own, would you like to say what inspires you to make them?

I do not. I have some artistic talent, but not enough to make anything semi-professional looking. I work with PRESStingly as my marketers/publicists, and part of their package includes book covers. We should be starting that process very soon, so wish us luck and lots of good ideas!

Would you like to recommend your fellow authors any services? (PAs, editing, cover design, mentorship, formatting, etc.)

Embers Igniting is a group of editors that keep their prices competitively low for those of us on tight budgets. They have been a dream to work with!

Also, PRESStingly is an amazing team of ladies who have helped walk me through the rough waters of indie publishing. I did a lot of research before hiring them, but they are excellent professionals who have helped me avoid a lot of beginner mistakes I couldn't afford to make.

Who is your favorite author and why? (If you have more than one, feel free to list them!)

Ack! I really can't say I have one favorite... But here are some that I've been reading recently, in no particular order:

Anne Bishop (I love her Others series)

Abigail Falanga (I love her writing voice! It's often hilarious, but she also does serious and dramatic very well.)

Agatha Christie (I mean, no one does mystery like her!)

J.R.R. Tolkien (I actually don't like his writing style that much, but he is the best world builder I have ever one comes even close)

Chuck Black (His allegories were awesome!)

What is your favorite book/series and why? (If you have more than one, feel free to list them!) hard when someone asks for a favorite... In no particular order, here are some I remember off the top of my head:

The Others/The World of the Others (By Anne Bishop)

39 Clues (It's been a while since I read them, but I remember loving the first series. The subsequent spinoffs weren't as good in my opinion)

The Kingdom Series/The Knights of Arrethtrae Series (By Chuck Black)

The Count of Monte Cristo (By Alexander Dumas. Very long and hard to keep everything straight, but the way he kept track and used every single detail in the book blew my mind)

Enola Holmes Series (By Nancy Springer)

Which indie authors books do you plan to buy and read next?

Ooh, good question. There are so many I want to read, but I forget to write them down...Please excuse me while I go spend the next few hours going over book lists...😉

Any books you would like to recommend?

Totally depends on the genre you like...

Do you have any advice for your fellow authors/aspiring authors?

Stick with it! Remember not everyone will like what you create. That's ok. On the flip side, you've got to be able to take constructive criticism. Not everyone will give it in a gracious way, so you need to learn how to just take what you can to improve, and not let the sting of harsh words freeze you up. Remember, even the best sellers have editors...

What would you like to say to your readers?

Thank you!! You are the reason I don't just write as a hobby anymore. Thank you for all the love, help, feedback, and support (in all the ways they manifest)

If you want to follow Erudessa, you can find her and her books here:


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